Once a year at least we meet up for a grand family get-together during the Ganapathi (The god with the head of an elephant and a potbelly) festival. These conversations have the usual catching up of current whereabouts of family members, mildly gossipy sound bytes and the latest happenings.
My paternal first cousin Minal, the eldest of her brood was in full flow this year. My uncle and his family (two daughters and a son along with their families) had driven down to Ganapathipule a seaside resort temple on the Ratnagiri coast. It’s on the Mumbai-Goa stretch. It was on the return journey that this incident happened. The party was distributed amongst 3 cars, Manish-my cousin,his father, mother, wife and kids in one, Jyoti- his other sister, her twin daughters and her hubby- Umesh in the second while the third had Minal, her husband Milind with her son Mohit in the drivers seat.Milind sat alongside Mohit in the front and Minal had the backseat. This cavalcade had decided to leave Ganapathipule around six thirty, evening.
It gets dark pretty early in those parts and it’s a hilly forest area when one leaves the beaches. Its an excellent road but pitch dark always.All one sees are silhouettes of trees and inky blackness where the road ends and the valley begins. Cicadas shriek in the dark, Owls screech and you actually hear the wind whistle through the trees. It’s an eerie atmosphere to be driving through, for sure.

It was another 50 kms before the ghat ended as they stopped at a roadside joint. The stall vendor was an old timer and he served them tea. As he looked at them and their strange expressions he asked, what was the matter? Milind told him about seeing an old woman and described her to the oldtimer. The guy looked at them and asked , was it eight 'o' clock then? The three almost choked on their teas. The old man murmured that you are very very fortunate. One that u didnt run thru her, Two you did not roll down the window & Three thankfully u did not get out of the car and shout cuss words at her. Puzzled they asked him who was she? He told them that she was a young woman from these parts. She was hit by a car at that spot nearly 15 years ago and the driver had run away. Her spirit roams the mountains and those cars that pass through her without braking or swear at her on seeing her , find themselves in deep trouble. Either the vehicles fail on them , or they crash into the valley and people too have disappeared. Buses or trucks dont encounter her, only cars. Every villager knows about her and avoids taking that road around 8 in the night. He said that this is the only ghost that ages. The hair turns greyer with every passing year, it used to be black once upon a time. If she turns and faces you then you are dead.
This was the experience that Minal shared with us in this years gathering. Was it a fantasy or just a story from a very fertile imagination? I had a strong urge to laugh as she told it but for some reason didnt. Minal may be the scared-easy types but Milind & Mohit certainly were not .Their eyes had held confusion & fear as they recounted. It certainly was a strange tale ,and too weird to be all imagined....
hi!!! yet another scary one coming from you but i am wiser now :-)
where'd you get the pictures?
cool hai na...one is a real pic from the windshield of a car..the other is a minscule part of a large photograph of a play...when i saw that piece i knew it fit into this post..so there
hahaha...nice write up...though i dont believe in ghosts and all, but this incident does scores a point as there are three witnesses(and two guys therein)... its like jisne experienc kiya usne vishwas kiya....like the UFO thing!
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